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Love Notes from Diane

Is it Bad to Feel Good in Turbulent Times? Oct 11, 2024

With war, civil conflict, natural disasters, and political unrest constantly in the headlines, it might feel like there’s little reason to be joyful in today’s world.

And yet…

We witness neighbors helping one another, volunteers stepping up to serve, and acts of incredible...

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How to Cultivate Joy: It's Not for Wimps! Sep 27, 2024

I’ve been researching "joy” in preparation for my monthly Empowered Spiritual Path workshop next week. 

Many of us think of joy like their silly, giggling school friend who’s always good for a belly laugh. 

I was looking for something else.

I wanted to...

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Feeling Frustration and Knowing When to Walk Away Sep 05, 2024

The other day I sat down to create a free online event. I’ve done this countless times and know exactly how to navigate the platform. It’s usually fast and easy. Not this time.

I found myself retyping the same content over and over, trying to load it correctly. When I realized how...

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Navigating Political Differences with Love and Grace Aug 28, 2024

Have you found yourself in a heated discussion over politics with a loved one?

Have you experienced:

  • Tense conversations with friends or family who embrace views you can’t understand?
  • Feeling you must “unfriend” loved ones on social media for sharing posts you object to?
  • ...
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Rest, Relax and Remember Jul 30, 2024

A few weeks ago, I awoke early on a Sunday morning and smiled as I walked through the house.

Not even the cat was awake as I welcomed the silence and grabbed my journal.

I lit a candle, settled myself in my favorite spot at the kitchen counter, took a few deep breaths and wrote at the top of the...

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A Spiritual Response to World Events Jul 25, 2024

I love a good check list.

I’d love nothing more than to give you a specific, one size fits all, checklist of how the spirituality minded “should” respond to chaotic domestic and world events.

It doesn’t work that way.

There is no one “spiritual response” that...

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The Time I Met an Angel Jul 16, 2024

In honor of my daughter Stephanie's birthday this week, I'm sharing a video I did several years ago about her birth. It was a difficult time for us both. My obstetrician told me after the fact that he was afraid that neither of us would survive.

Stephanie is my first child and I became...

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Life Lessons from a Shark Jul 06, 2024

You've probably learned that your thinking creates your experience. I believe it.

Looking back, I realize the countless times my thoughts not only crafted my life experience but affected everything around me.

Many years ago, I learned to scuba dive in the Bahamas. On the second day with my...

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How to Experience Real Freedom Jul 02, 2024

For many years I wouldn't have felt free enough to dance on the beach like the folks pictured above.

Oh no...

I felt too fat, too uncoordinated, too self-conscious, too everything!

Many self-help books, therapy sessions, mystic texts, and coaching masterminds later, I feel very different. Just...

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Watch This to Feel Good NOW Jun 30, 2024

Click on the image above and watch 30 seconds of bliss thanks to my seven month old grandson, Augie!

Why do we love to hear a baby laugh?

Because it reminds us of the purity of Love. Augie's laugh is authentic, honest and spontaneous. And it reminds us that we don't need much to be happy!


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My Shower Ghost, Illusion and Reality Jun 19, 2024

So what happens when there seems to be a "ghost" in your bathroom? If you're me, you panic!

This is exactly what happened and I talk about it in the short video above. (Click the image to play.)

It was crazy.

And this fearful scenario led me to a dramatic truth I'm happy to share with you. This...

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We All Birth New Ideas Into the World...I Just Did! And I Had Help. Jun 11, 2024

I often have ideas running around in my head. As they land, typically I feel inspired and say to myself, "Oh that's a GREAT idea! I'll put it on the list...."

And it stays on the list. For years.

Today a major item came off that list. My new refreshed reimagined website is LIVE!

Here's the secret...

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"7 Signs You're on the Empowered Spiritual Path"

This guide providesĀ seven signs that you're definitely on an empowered spiritual path!

But what does that mean?

It means you're following a path of love that inspires, empowers and supports you to feel more "on purpose" in your life. AND you recognize this life is a delicate balance of being fully human and fully divine.

Choosing to embrace your spiritual identity is not necessarily a smooth process.

But it is worthwhile!

I NEED This!