Living Guided by Your Life Purpose

I thought I understood “life goals,” and how to create – or force – my life to be what I envisioned. I spent decades learning self-development methods, read self help books and learned about cutting edge scheduling and time management tools.

Yeah, that didn’t work so well.

Opening to mystical texts, especially A Course in Miracles, I learned something that truly changed my life: everything flows from love. Everything.

Hmmm…so how do I merge all I’ve learned over the years with this radical truth?

I used to spend hours on crafting a life mission, or purpose, then created specific goals in categories like work, family, health, and finances. While this works for thousands of people, it never did for me. Now I take a different approach.

My life purpose is to be love. Period.

What does that mean? To live my daily life from divine love, guided by the wisdom in my own heart. This is the same love that’s in you, each member of your family and...

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How to Do a Life Reset

Ever felt like this? Like nothing is going right, you feel out of flow, full of fear and life doesn't make sense?

That's been me the last two months. 

I needed a life reset.

In retrospect, I had allowed myself to be consumed by world events and gone down a very dark hole of fear.

As a result, I wasn't consistent with my spiritual practice or meditations, made poor food choices and started to feel unwell physically. I still took care of my clients and my family responsibilities during this time, but I wasn’t myself. I was “off.”

And then I remembered something my mentor, Robert Holden, often says, “If you think something is missing in your life, it’s probably you.”

Oh, right!

I had temporarily put more emphasis on the external world noise and not as much on the quiet divine wisdom that resides in the silence of my own heart. That’s where my truth lies. Where my guidance, peace, and joy flows from. How could a spiritual teacher forget...

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Happy Birthday to My Greatest Spiritual Teacher

I’ve been blessed to have many spiritual teachers in my life. I’ve studied Christian, Buddhist and Jewish teachings with brilliant scholars, examined mystic traditions with teachers who have embodied the work and followed contemporary authors who helped me understand the meaning of life and how to live with love and forgiveness in this ever-changing world.

But without a doubt this kid has been my greatest spiritual teacher.

Happy fifth birthday to my grandson, Emory, my personal Yoda. Sure, this could be ravings of a doting grandmother (and there’s some of that) but why do I think he’s been my spiritual teacher? While my mentors have skillfully introduced me to new ways of thinking and fascinating spiritual concepts, with Emory I’ve learned how to live those concepts in a deeper way.

This little sage has reintroduced me to:

  • Unbridled joy 
  • Curiosity about everything I see, hear, touch, taste, and smell 
  • Being truly open to new people, places,...
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How to Expand Love Today (and Every Day)

Each February we see a heightened focus on Valentines Day and romantic love. While I’m all for beautiful romantic relationships, I’d love to see the Love Month concentrate on ways to expand love within ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.

Might sound like a tall order, but not really. Very doable.

How could we “expand love” within ourselves? Here’s a few ideas:

  • Spend quiet time in nature. Take a silent walk and use all your senses to truly be in the experience.
  • Listen to music that touches your soul.
  • Cuddle with your pet or volunteer at the local animal shelter (everyone benefits)
  • Take a few minutes to shut your eyes, put your hand on your heart and imagine breathing in, and out of your heart space.
  • Write in your journal using a prompt such as: “I feel loved and loving when_____” then act on what you wrote.
  • Write a love letter to yourself. Mail it.
  • BONUS: OK, here’s the big one I learned from the incredible Louise...
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Happy LOVE Month

This month we're looking at LOVE. Not the Hallmark Valentine’s Day card or sappy romantic movie kind of love. The real Love. Divine Love. The intelligent, creative, expansive energy that creates galaxies and beats your heart and mine. 

The BIG Love. 

Miracles happen when you consciously tap into your own inner divine wisdom. Most people use a type of contemplative practice such as meditation, prayer, or silent time in nature. I have received some of my most profound guidance through daily journaling.  

My beloved mentor, Dr. Robert Holden, often shares a profound exercise using a writing prompt. He invites his students to settle into a quiet space, connect to their heart and write this prompt to begin a journal entry, “Love, what do you most want me to know today?” 

I’ve written that question hundreds, if not over a thousand, times in the last years. Sometimes I get short sentences addressing a general life issue,...

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Love, Peace and Gratitude to Thich Nhat Hanh

Dirty dishes, an out of sorts spouse, or a maddening series of red lights when you’re already late for an important appointment…Thich Nhat Hanh taught me these are all invitations to come back to the peace that dwells in my own heart.

And my choice is to accept that invitation.

I began to explore his work more intently as my interest in ways to live love started to blossom. I’ve particularly enjoyed the simple message in his books “Teachings on Love” and “Peace is Every Step” although there are many titles to choose from. His work has given me a deeper understanding of the power of mindfulness, deep listening, and the sacredness of each and every moment of the day.

I found his teachings on healing relationships particularly powerful. In essence, the secret is to be totally present with others. Really. Present. Not the “I’m listening to you while I just check my phone” kind of present.

Insightful. Simple. True.


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Welcome the Beloved Community

In a world that appears to be divided on so many fronts, I’ve been thinking a lot about the “Beloved Community” that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about.

The idea was first coined by philosopher Josiah Royce and refers to “an ideal community… a society of justice, peace and harmony which can be achieved through nonviolence.” In 1957 during a sermon to Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama Dr. King said, “The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community.”

The King Center’s website is a rich resource and lists Dr. King’s Fundamental Philosophy of Nonviolence:

  • Principle 1: Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.
  • Principle 2: Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding.
  • Principle 3: Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, not people.
  • Principle 4: Nonviolence holds that suffering for a cause can educate and transform people and societies.
  • Principle 5: Nonviolence...
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Who Do You Choose to Believe?

We live in the information age. More books, more blogs, more TV programs, more news outlets than ever before and we often suffer from feeling like we don’t know who or what to believe.

I do. Here’s my tip: check your source.

No, this isn’t a blog about the validity of international government agencies, specific news channels or your favorite talking head. It’s bigger than that.

Check your source, or more to the point, check with your Source.

Many of my clients are quick to check with Source (God, Universe, Love or whatever term you prefer) when loved ones are ill, they’re up for a raise or having relationship issues. Great! You know I always direct you to check with your own inner divine guidance for challenges such as these.

I find folks often forget this “hotline” is always open. For everything.

Going to a restaurant or ordering in? Want to know what would be the best choice? Sure, you can ask your partner or best friend AND check in with...

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The Secret to Aligning with Your Values

It’s that time of year when we once again seek clarity around our intentions and goals for the New Year.

Where do you want to be in 12 months? In a new home? A new job? Will you learn a new skill? Maybe travel?

What do you want your family life to look like? Relationships? Your health?

In the past, it was easy for me to come up with a list of “to do’s” and create my intentions but it didn’t always work so well. I’d use my head, my intellect, to figure out my best plan going forward. That’s when the trouble would start.

In retrospect, I realize my goals often weren’t aligned with my values. For example, a core value for me is listening to the Divine within and leading a guided life. If I have an intention to grow my business, and I consistently get up and start work without doing my daily spiritual practice, I’m out of alignment. I may feel “too busy” for my practice and my ego could come up with a multitude of reasons...

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Hello Mr. Turkey, Gratitude and True Abundance


If you haven't yet, click on the button above and listen to the "Hello Mr. Turkey Song"'s an impromptu solo 12 second performance by my grandson. 

Excuse the proud grandmother moment, but that kid makes me laugh. And think. And remember the joy of learning a new song. I'm blessed to have this little guy help me see the wonder of the world again. 

I'm grateful for that. And I recognize this is one of a hundred ways I'm already abundant. Maybe it's one way I allow myself to recognize I'm blessed. 

Every time I turn on the news I'm reminded of the many ways our world is not working and doesn't feel abundant. Or at least I hear the opinions of people who believe that. They're passionate about their views...and often very loud.  

But so are we.  

We (I'm hoping you're with me on this) can be passionate about recognizing the world we know is possible. One of compassion, respect, inclusion, and collaboration. A world where we...

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