A Spiritual Response to World Events
Jul 25, 2024I love a good check list.
I’d love nothing more than to give you a specific, one size fits all, checklist of how the spirituality minded “should” respond to chaotic domestic and world events.
It doesn’t work that way.
There is no one “spiritual response” that makes sense for everyone.
I can share with you what I’ve learned and how I’m navigating what appears to be the ever-shifting reality of our physical world.
First things first.
What is real does not change. Period.
Let that sink in.
So what is real? In the Introduction to the mystical text, A Course in Miracles, it states:
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God
This is easy to remember when life is relatively calm, less so in turbulent times. But what does this mean?
From a spiritual perspective, what is eternal is real,
what is temporary is not.
For example, while my physical body feels very real to me now, it is constantly changing and one day will cease to be. It is temporary. The energy of love that animates my body is eternal. Said another way, the soul that is experiencing life through this body is real and eternal.
The intelligent, creative, expansive energy of Love/God/Source is eternal. It is real. It makes the tides come in, the flowers bloom, creates galaxies and beats your heart and mine. It is the All.
In contrast, world events are temporary. Even the most devastating circumstances will eventually pass. This idea does not discount the pain and suffering endured because of horrific world events. I acknowledge the parts of me that are repulsed and sometimes terrified about what I see in the world. And I believe a loving approach to action will result in longer lasting and beneficial results for all involved.
We’ve all lived through shifting societal norms, the rise and fall of nations, technological advancements and environmental fluctuations on our planet. All these changes feel very real and demonstrate how tenuous our “reality” can be.
From my own experience, it feels like change in our physical world is one of the only constants in the human experience.
Now to the second point.
Einstein is credited with the first law of thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. In essence it states,
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed,
it can only be changed from one form to another.”
The quote from A Course in Miracles and this statement above gives me great comfort. While I can feel scared and physically unsafe when I hear threatening political rhetoric for example, the true essence of who I am is never in harm’s way. I am an eternal being. I am Love in temporary form having a human experience. It took me years as a student of the Course to fully “get” this.
And, as a human, I live in a world that can still feel scary!
That’s when I remember Einstein. If what he offered is true and energy can be changed in form, then what if I can redirect my fear into love?
This is not to deny situations that need to be addressed with compassion. It’s intentionally choosing to understand and select my actions to those situations from the most loving perspective I can achieve at any given moment.
My intention is to turn the energy of my fear into loving action.
What can help me do that?
So here comes a short checklist…
When I feel scared, frustrated or overwhelmed by current events, I settle myself with a few deep breaths, a meditation or a nature walk.
To realign with divine wisdom of my heart. To empty my mind and be still so I can receive divine guidance.
Then I use any or all of the following as I’m guided:
- I choose a persistent fearful thought and use it as a focus to meditate or pray the Be Love Principles. This helps me shift from a constricted, fear-based perspective to a more expanded, divine one. This has always led to profound shifts for me. (Find everything you need on our website.)
- I remember the ideals of Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr when confronting actions (political or individual) that I do not agree with. In essence, Dr. King advocated non-violence in thought, action and speech. He taught that love in action can lead to a society of “justice, peace and harmony” that he called the Beloved Community.
- Finally, I can tap into the power of individual and group prayer and meditation to envision the world I want to live in. I can sit quietly and imagine a world where citizens are free to openly discuss ideas in the spirit of true collaboration. No act is too small to make a difference to the whole.
Your eternal self can never be harmed.
Together we can transform the energy of fear into loving action.
Every individual loving thought and deed increases the energy of love in our world.
Now… take a deep breath.
How will you choose to respond to what comes into your life? I know I’m doing my best to respond with loving action as I’m guided.
Be Love Principles Workbook & Meditation
Download this easy workbook plus powerful meditation and begin to enjoy a life where you:
๐งก Feel more clear about who you are and what you're here to do
๐งก Feel calmer, more at peace and less triggered by life events
๐งก Enjoy more confidence and connection to yourself and others
๐งก Feel more loved and loving
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