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Navigating Political Differences with Love and Grace

Aug 28, 2024
Diane L Haworth

Have you found yourself in a heated discussion over politics with a loved one?

Have you experienced:

  • Tense conversations with friends or family who embrace views you can’t understand?
  • Feeling you must “unfriend” loved ones on social media for sharing posts you object to?
  • Changing your routine to avoid people or situations where you feel political confrontation is likely?

It can be difficult to be loving and nonjudgmental when you feel those around you have lost their grip on reality!

Until you realize they might feel the same about you.

Throughout history people have “passionately” argued about politics, art, literature, food, religion and every other subject you can think of. For centuries those heated discussions were typically in-person confrontations or perhaps written barbs exchanged in letters or newspaper editorials.

While we are certainly living in a divisive world, the internet has amplified the deafening sound of conflicting views.

Yet, thanks to the same technology, we are able to share ideas, tools and practices that help us all navigate a noisy world with more kindness and compassion.


By making the choice, as best we can, to navigate difficult conversations and situations with love and grace.

Why bother? When we react with fear, disgust or overwhelm to any situation we experience a feeling of physical constriction. That’s the opposite of the expansive feeling of love and grace. So how can we shift those feelings?

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Be fully present. If you choose to be part of a conversation, give it your full attention. Many people get loud (real loud) because they don’t feel heard or seen. Honestly listen to the other person. Don’t “half listen” while mentally forming your rebuttal. That doesn’t help. Your attentiveness does not mean you agree, it simply shows respect.
  2. Respond authentically. If you are asked or feel called to contribute to the topic do so as authentically as possible. Remember you are just sharing an opinion. It’s also OK to state you’d rather not continue the conversation. Above all, stay as loving and kind as possible.
  3. Detach from being “right.” Being right is often a matter of perspective and can change over time. The only constant truth is love. In every conversation there are gems to be discovered if you’re open to them. Needing to be right closes the door to new perspectives and deeper connections.
  4. Practice the first Be Love Principle. “Greet everyone with an open heart, without an agenda.” Even the most loving of us might find this a tall order! It doesn’t have to be.

Here’s how:

  • Heart-Opening Exercises. Practice gratitude, heart centered breathing and spend time in nature. (While your heart is never truly closed, but it can feel that way.)
  • Recall Expansive, Joyful Moments. Take time each day to remember people or events that bring you joy - cherished childhood memories, playing with a puppy, anything that feels expansive and loving. A few minutes each day works wonders!
  • Leave Your Agenda at the Door. Approach conversations without preconceived judgements, fears, resentments or set opinions. What if you could bring only your authentic soul self to this conversation? Imagine how that would feel. Do that.
  • Set a Daily Intention. Every day, set the intention to greet everyone (including yourself) with an open heart, without an agenda. Notice what happens. (I set my intention as I wake up before I get out of bed each morning.)

This is an empowered spiritual path, a journey of love…

I’ve been using the Be Love Principles for years and still work on this one! It helps to commit to a consistent daily spiritual practice, including meditation.  

It’s unlikely that we’ll all wake up tomorrow and always be respectful, kind and compassionate towards each other.

But it’s possible. If we each start with ourselves.

What small step could you take today to meet yourself and others with more love and grace?



Be Love Principles Workbook & Meditation

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๐Ÿงก Enjoy more confidence and connection to yourself and others

๐Ÿงก Feel more loved and loving

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