My Easter Miracle Journey

Easter has always held a special meaning for me.

My mother went into labor on Good Friday, and I was born in the early hours of Easter morning 1957, ten days after my parents had been told I had died in the womb.

My family said it was an Easter miracle.

As a student of A Course in Miracles, I’m into miracles. From the standpoint of the Course, a miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love. And the best part of miracles?

They can happen every day.

Whenever I feel myself acknowledge my fearful thoughts or feelings (anger, resentment, stress) and meet those with love (compassion, forgiveness, presence) I experience a miracle.

When I open myself to this type of thinking, and ask the Divine within for guidance, my experience of life changes. While I may be dealing with chaos, instead of feeling helpless, I can begin to feel the true comfort, support and love that is always available.

Remembering that miracles can be simply a thought away is a daily practice for me. Learning...

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Message from a Bald Eagle

I drove into town recently on a Sunday afternoon, enjoying the scenery when something caught my eye. On this rural road, perched high atop a tree was a magnificent bald eagle.

It was a true “WOW!” moment.

I’m one who believes God is always sending us signs, so I quickly realized this eagle sighting was a personal message for me!

Back at home, I searched for the spiritual meaning of bald eagles (of course I did) and found many interesting opinions. None resonated.

Then I happened upon a quote from the philosopher and author Matshona Dhliwayo:

“The eagle only knows how high it can fly when it spreads its wings.”

I got the message.

And I understood it.

I realize I’ve been hesitating on a few projects that I’m not only committed to, but am passionate about.

I’ve let other tasks get in the way of my progress. But why? Fear? Life distractions? Was I just lazy?

I’ve identified the culprit.

Not always, but often, I realize I’ve...

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I Could See Peace Instead of Listening to the Crazy in My Head

The photo above is me and my husband Joe, taken in one of our local parks last year.

Like most couples who’ve been together over 22 years, we’ve had our share of laughter and tears. It’s all part of marriage.

Recently Joe scheduled two cataract surgeries within nine days. I was concerned.

In my experience, Joe isn’t the best patient.

He’ll tell you he isn’t a patient man. He doesn’t like thinking he’s not in control of things.  And he REALLY doesn’t like to be told “no.” Like “no driving for a few days” or “no exceptions to the multiple eye drops per day for the next five weeks.”

As we started this surgery process, I noticed something.

Joe was much more agreeable than normal. While he was a bit nervous, he was excited about the possibility of improved vision.

It was me who had the issue.

I had multiple scenarios playing in my head during the days leading up to the first surgery and the...

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Love Always Leads to Love

“Love always leads to love” is a beautiful quote by Helen Schucman, the scribe of A Course in Miracles.

The truth of this statement rings true to my very core. Although my life often comes with the struggles that we all face, when I bring love to any situation or challenge, more love always results.

Always. No exceptions.

I experienced this firsthand a couple weeks ago as I said a final goodbye to a friend in the final stages of hospice care.

On the drive to the nursing home fifty miles from my home, I could feel the fear start to set in. And guilt. And a deep, profound sadness.

What if she’s in too much pain and doesn’t recognize me?

Why didn’t I come sooner?

How can this be happening?

I acknowledged my feelings, decided to take a few deep breaths, and gently shifted my focus. I shifted the purpose of my visit as well. I asked Love to guide me.

I parked the car and walked into the facility with a fresh perspective. Instead of bringing my fear and...

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Martin Luther King, Jr's Words of Peace

A few years ago, I stood at the base of the Martin Luther King, Jr. statue in Washington, DC and looked up at the towering figure you see above. 

A flood of emotions came over me as I tried to imagine the life he led, the sacrifices he made and his dedication to justice through peaceful means.  

This was a man dedicated to love.  

His quote about peace is especially meaningful to me. As a serious student of A Course in Miracles, I believe the way to create a more peaceful world, is for each of us to to cultivate inner peace.  

I love a quote from the Course that says, "Peace is stronger than war because it heals." 

Let's dedicate this year to peace. Our purpose can be to nurture our own inner peace that then radiates to our families, communities and throughout our world. Let's allow peace to heal us.  

Let's allow peace to be our goal, our path and our state of being. 

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Say Yes to New Adventures!

qHow are you at saying “yes to new adventures?” I’ve always been lousy at it.

I was too busy, too tired, too stressed, too afraid…you get the idea.

What the heck qualifies as an “adventure” anyway? In my mind it was hanging off a cliff, jumping out of a plane, swimming in shark infested waters or some other equally terrifying and dangerous activity.

Imagine my surprise when I found out the truth.

An adventure can be all the scenarios listed above AND they can also be anything that challenges me to see from a fresh perspective, meet a new experience or face an old fear. And I can do all of that – when I remember to – with, and from, love.

Here are a few “adventures” I said yes to in the past two weeks:

  • A long walk with a new friend in a local park to share life philosophies.
  • Riding in cart as part of a small-town Christmas parade.
  • Gathering with likeminded friends (old and new) on a frosty Sunday morning in our...
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Align to Truth, Not Tragedy

Like many communities in the Unites States, my beloved Virginia has been rocked once again by multiple mass shootings this month.

Senseless. Devastating. Incomprehensible.

The reaction to such horrific events: public shock, the anguished cries of loved ones, stone faced politicians sending prayers to the affected families.


Our opportunity is to align to the Truth, not the tragedy. Let me explain.

While Americans love to say we’re guided by our ideals of freedom, I disagree. We’re thoroughly and consistently motivated by fear.

Fear of the “other” (those of opposing political views, country of origin, race, religious beliefs, gender identification, and thousands of other delineating factors).

Fear of lack or “not enough” (seen through our monstrous consumer appetite and tendency for hoarding as well as deep issues around self-love).

And the fear of aging, loneliness, fear of not making the “correct” choices around food,...

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The Key to a Happy Holiday

My coaching clients often ask me some version of the same question. How can I be happier? Happier in my marriage, happier with my body, happier with my life in general?

This time of year, many are thinking about upcoming celebrations and wonder “how can I have a happier holiday this year?”

The answer is forgiveness.

Lesson 121 in the spiritual text A Course in Miracles states “Forgiveness is the key to happiness.”

I agree.

True forgiveness unchains us from the past and allows our full expression of life in the present. What does that mean?

Access to more love, compassion, and happiness for ourselves and all in our world.
Let me be clear. This isn’t the forgiveness of your youth when your mom made you forgive your little sister so you could get your Barbie doll back. (Maybe that was just me?) This forgiveness, authentic forgiveness, is life changing stuff.

How do you start? The Be Love Principles have been my process to shift from the constricted feelings...

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How to Live Your Legacy

I hear some of my friends and clients talk about “leaving a legacy.” Some make generous donations to beloved charities, help build schools in Africa, or create a financial trust for family members.

Many of my author friends are proud of the books they’ve written while others have spent countless hours producing video content in the hope it helps others shift their lives in positive ways. They love to talk about the legacy of their work.

Then there’s Ms. Carol.

I attended the funeral of Ms. Carol over the weekend. At 86, her already small frame had shrunk in the last few years as her ready smile and sparkling eyes also began to fade. Although her death wasn’t a shock to her loved ones, we all felt the sting. 

As I walked into the brightly lit sanctuary of the funeral home, I saw Carol’s legacy.

It was evident on the stoic faces of her sons who stood tall, hugging friends and relatives as they arrived. And on the tear-stained faces of the adult...

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What are you FOR?

We’re a week away from elections here in the United States and…I’m tired. Really. Tired.

I’m tired of hearing what people are against.

It’s hard to turn on TV, listen to the radio or check out YouTube without hearing advertising from candidates that basically say the same thing:

“The other candidate is wrong / evil / destructive / Satanic.
Save yourself and your family - vote for me!”

Now I don’t claim to have seen EVERY ad or candidate interview across the country, but I’ve seen quite a few. Many candidates I’ve seen whether running for local community posts, gubernatorial or federal elected offices campaign on fear. Period.

We’re told to fear rising prices, another pandemic, crime waves, and, of course, the “other guy.” Who is the “other guy?” Depending on who you’re talking to, it’s you.

I don’t pretend to be a politician or any type of political analyst. As an independent...

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