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We All Birth New Ideas Into the World...I Just Did! And I Had Help.

Jun 11, 2024
Diane L Haworth

I often have ideas running around in my head. As they land, typically I feel inspired and say to myself, "Oh that's a GREAT idea! I'll put it on the list...."

And it stays on the list. For years.

Today a major item came off that list. My new refreshed reimagined website is LIVE!

Here's the secret to how the new website made it from inside my head to outside in reality.

I didn't do it alone! Who helped?

I partnered with the energy, the essence, of the Be Love Principles. In my morning journaling practice, I asked the Principles how they wanted to be represented to the world. What elements were important for me to share? In what order and how? As a result, there are new videos, free downloads and a smooth visitor path I never would have thought of on my own.

I asked friends for input. I started drafting the copy as directed by the Principles then reached out to a few trusted friends. I was excited about the design I'd created and asked for their opinion. Each politely said, "don't do it that way!" It takes a true friend to tell you when you're off base...and I was.

I got help! One of my dearest friends recommended Molly Block to help me "sharpen" the visuals and do all the "backend" tagging, connecting, navigation and reformatting. In short, Molly did everything I definitely did not know how to do.

All this was part of the reason the website redo took four years! I thought I could do it all on my own.

My big take away? We never do anything alone. And I'm beginning to think it's a bit silly to try.

While Molly and my friends were a huge help, the real hero of this story is the Be Love Principles.I view them as the "voice of Love" that I'm most connected to. I asked them for guidance first and I'm delighted with what resulted from following that input.

This week, connect to the voice of Love inside you...what guidance do you get?

(This blog appeared as this current version of the refreshed website was launched in June 2024.)

Be Love Principles Workbook & Meditation

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๐Ÿงก Enjoy more confidence and connection to yourself and others

๐Ÿงก Feel more loved and loving

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