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Love Notes from Diane

When a Legend Lives in Your Town Sep 07, 2021

There have been many tributes this week to the TV broadcasting legend that was Willard Scott, who passed away over the weekend in his Virginia farm not far from my house. He had an unconventional career and worked for 65 years with NBC, over 30 of those years as the weatherman for the TODAY Show....

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Love Lessons From My Surprise Hitchhiker Aug 17, 2021

Life constantly provides beautiful lessons…you just need to pay attention. That’s what happened for me just a few days ago.

On the way to my weekly visit with my four-year-old grandson, Emory, I had noticed a slight tug as I sat down in the driver’s seat of my car. I realized...

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The Courage to Stay in the Conversation Aug 10, 2021

I wasn’t the bravest kid in school. I was the “good girl” who followed directions but seldom rocked the boat. I don’t enjoy rough waves, disagreeable conversations or being in unpleasant situations.

But here I am.

While it’s easy to talk “love and light”...

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A Year Later....A Sudden Goodbye to a Treasured Friend Aug 03, 2021

A year ago last week, my dear friend passed away. 

I still miss him and tear up at times when I remember I'll never see him again in this lifetime.


I feel his presence. He was dedicated to spreading the message of unconditional love and I feel his influence in my work. This week...

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The Genuine Power in Asking the Right Question Jul 27, 2021

I ask a lot of questions. A LOT. At least my family seems to think so.

My curious mind has led me to understand how to live in more peace, harmony, and joy than any other time in my life. And I’m grateful.

Part of the reason for that has been understanding of the power of questions....

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Life Lessons from a Shark Jul 14, 2021

You’ve probably learned that your thinking creates your experience. I believe it. I’ve seen countless times how the energy of my thoughts not only crafted my life experience, but affected everything around me.

Several years ago, I was learning to scuba dive in the Bahamas. On the...

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Chaos as an Invitation to Love Jul 06, 2021

So I bet you’d rather NOT get an invitation from “chaos,” even if it is to remember love.

But it happens. And it’s happening now.

While 2021 feels different than the chaos of 2020, there’s no doubt we’re all still facing much uncertainty. At home. At work. And...

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Be the Leader You Want to See in the World Jun 23, 2021

I often talk to clients who are interested in getting advanced degrees, certifications or work experience that will label them a “good leader.”

After studying the traits of high achievers, reading biographies of leaders admired by millions and watching interviews of influencers I...

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Finding Perfection in Perceived Chaos Jun 07, 2021

Every so often I catch myself wondering when things will "calm down."  In those times I remember that my perspective of life is what can "calm down," not necessarily the events that occur.  And when I can remember that my thoughts create my experience, I get it. I'm able to...

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Embracing Where You Are May 31, 2021

Embracing Where You Are

Do you remember fighting over where you’d sit in the car during a family outing?

I do.

As the oldest in my family, I relished the days I got to sit up front with my dad driving on vacations where we spent hours on the road going from Virginia to my...

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"7 Signs You're on the Empowered Spiritual Path"

This guide providesĀ seven signs that you're definitely on an empowered spiritual path!

But what does that mean?

It means you're following a path of love that inspires, empowers and supports you to feel more "on purpose" in your life. AND you recognize this life is a delicate balance of being fully human and fully divine.

Choosing to embrace your spiritual identity is not necessarily a smooth process.

But it is worthwhile!

I NEED This!