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Love Notes from Diane

Everything Responds to Love...Even Hot Water Heaters! Oct 02, 2023

“Everything responds to love,” is the phrase that came to me this morning as I woke up at 3:30am and thinking about our broken water heater and the mess I needed to clean up today.

“Well of course it does! Everything responds to love,” I muttered to myself as I lay in bed....

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How to Schedule with Spirit Sep 24, 2023

Sometimes on the spiritual path we receive many messages encouraging us to be:

  • Present
  • Joyful
  • Open
  • Allowing
  • In service

All wonderful intentions!

Often the list of ways you want to show up in the world can clash with the mundane activities that call to you.

Life tasks like laundry, paying bills,...

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What Does That Mean? Aug 14, 2023

I get up each morning between 4 – 5am, walk to the kitchen, argue with the cat about how much breakfast she needs, then grab my journal and sit down to write before my meditation.

Recently my journaling took a new turn.

I began with a familiar prompt I learned from Robert Holden, ...

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A Message from the Wetlands Jun 07, 2023

Driving up to my friend's Sunday morning retreat held on her beautiful farm, I had several expectations.

I expected to meet new spiritually minded friends. (Check.)

I expected the skillful host to lead us through insightful and impowering inquiries. (Check.)

I expected to enjoy the...

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Message from a Bald Eagle Mar 13, 2023

I drove into town recently on a Sunday afternoon, enjoying the scenery when something caught my eye. On this rural road, perched high atop a tree was a magnificent bald eagle.

It was a true “WOW!” moment.

I’m one who believes God is always sending us signs, so I quickly realized...

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Say Yes to New Adventures! Dec 12, 2022

qHow are you at saying “yes to new adventures?” I’ve always been lousy at it.

I was too busy, too tired, too stressed, too afraid…you get the idea.

What the heck qualifies as an “adventure” anyway? In my mind it was hanging off a cliff, jumping out of a plane,...

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Choosing Love in Difficult Situations Sep 20, 2022

I wish it was easy for me to choose love in every life situation. It’s not. Sometimes I want to avoid a difficult conversation or pretend I don’t get scared when I hear disturbing news. Even with a consistent spiritual practice, I can still get triggered by a harsh comment, chaotic...

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Do the Right Thing Aug 14, 2022

I used to know exactly what the “right thing” was. In my younger years, and in most every situation, I had my opinion and felt strongly it was the “right” one.

Then I lived a few more decades and got a tad wiser. Not a Yoda by any means, but I gained the type of insight...

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Life in Reflection... Jul 24, 2022



                  “What you experience in your external world is a reflection of your internal world.”

I can’t remember when I came across the teaching above or who I first heard...

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Freedom Through Inner Peace Jul 02, 2022

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  

 Viktor E. Frankl

This week my country celebrates July 4th as Independence Day. The holiday marks the ratification of...

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The Only Safe Place Left to Go Jun 28, 2022

I was on the phone yesterday with a dear friend. As we discussed recent world events, she wondered out loud, “Where can I move that would be safe, protected from this chaos?”

We both immediately knew the answer.


“Within where?” you might ask. One of the...

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"7 Signs You're on the Empowered Spiritual Path"

This guide providesĀ seven signs that you're definitely on an empowered spiritual path!

But what does that mean?

It means you're following a path of love that inspires, empowers and supports you to feel more "on purpose" in your life. AND you recognize this life is a delicate balance of being fully human and fully divine.

Choosing to embrace your spiritual identity is not necessarily a smooth process.

But it is worthwhile!

I NEED This!