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Love Notes from Diane

Regardless What It Looks Like... You Exist in the Heart of Love Jun 04, 2024

I had a challenging experience while traveling recently that gifted me with the photo above.  

While visiting my dear friend Linda in Glastonbury (Somerset, UK) we walked by a tiny alley on High Street. With a sly smile Linda said excitedly, "let's go down here!" 


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The Key to a Happy Holiday Nov 18, 2022

My coaching clients often ask me some version of the same question. How can I be happier? Happier in my marriage, happier with my body, happier with my life in general?

This time of year, many are thinking about upcoming celebrations and wonder “how can I have a happier holiday this...

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Choosing to Live a Bigger Life Oct 25, 2022

What does it mean to live a BIG life? What constitutes a small life?

The answer is entirely up to you…and the way you choose to think about it.

You don’t need to take lavish vacations, spend time in Vegas or pal around with international celebrities to enjoy a big life. You need only...

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See All Things Anew Sep 06, 2022

When is the last time you consciously looked at people, places, or situations in your daily life “anew?”

That’s the message I’ve been getting lately. “See all things anew.” Not from a different perspective, or with a different attitude. Look at everything...

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Do the Right Thing Aug 14, 2022

I used to know exactly what the “right thing” was. In my younger years, and in most every situation, I had my opinion and felt strongly it was the “right” one.

Then I lived a few more decades and got a tad wiser. Not a Yoda by any means, but I gained the type of insight...

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Love Lessons From My Surprise Hitchhiker Aug 17, 2021

Life constantly provides beautiful lessons…you just need to pay attention. That’s what happened for me just a few days ago.

On the way to my weekly visit with my four-year-old grandson, Emory, I had noticed a slight tug as I sat down in the driver’s seat of my car. I realized...

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Chaos as an Invitation to Love Jul 06, 2021

So I bet you’d rather NOT get an invitation from “chaos,” even if it is to remember love.

But it happens. And it’s happening now.

While 2021 feels different than the chaos of 2020, there’s no doubt we’re all still facing much uncertainty. At home. At work. And...

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"7 Signs You're on the Empowered Spiritual Path"

This guide providesĀ seven signs that you're definitely on an empowered spiritual path!

But what does that mean?

It means you're following a path of love that inspires, empowers and supports you to feel more "on purpose" in your life. AND you recognize this life is a delicate balance of being fully human and fully divine.

Choosing to embrace your spiritual identity is not necessarily a smooth process.

But it is worthwhile!

I NEED This!