Align to Truth, Not Tragedy

Like many communities in the Unites States, my beloved Virginia has been rocked once again by multiple mass shootings this month.

Senseless. Devastating. Incomprehensible.

The reaction to such horrific events: public shock, the anguished cries of loved ones, stone faced politicians sending prayers to the affected families.


Our opportunity is to align to the Truth, not the tragedy. Let me explain.

While Americans love to say we’re guided by our ideals of freedom, I disagree. We’re thoroughly and consistently motivated by fear.

Fear of the “other” (those of opposing political views, country of origin, race, religious beliefs, gender identification, and thousands of other delineating factors).

Fear of lack or “not enough” (seen through our monstrous consumer appetite and tendency for hoarding as well as deep issues around self-love).

And the fear of aging, loneliness, fear of not making the “correct” choices around food,...

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Choosing to Live a Bigger Life

What does it mean to live a BIG life? What constitutes a small life?

The answer is entirely up to you…and the way you choose to think about it.

You don’t need to take lavish vacations, spend time in Vegas or pal around with international celebrities to enjoy a big life. You need only go within and get curious:

How could I be enjoying my life more right now?
What activities bring me pleasure and satisfaction?
Who do I love being around?
What sparks joy in my heart?
What do I love to learn about?
What do I love to share with others?
What makes me feel alive?

As the leaves shift from summer greens to the hues of autumn here in Virginia, it serves as a gentle reminder of the passing of time. As I embrace this season of my life, I recall a famous quote from American poet Mary Oliver:

“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Am I content to live a small, limited life? What’s tugging at my heart right now? How is my soul calling me to...

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Lesson from the Butterflies

I was on a zoom call last week with two of my treasured “soul sister” friends. Among the giggles, questions, and loving comments we discovered a trend. Each of us were having up close experiences with…creatures. Whether it had fur, wings or was long legged and jumpy, we had all encountered signs from nature in the form of these nonhuman souls.

We discussed the spiritual meaning of each of the specific “visitors” and discovered how perfect each message was for the recipient. Coincidence? Not a chance.

One of my friends mentioned butterflies in her house. Many resources describe the butterfly as bringing a message of personal transformation, renewal, rebirth, and even elevation from earthly focus to a more spiritual one. According to Ted Andrews, author of “Animal Speak:”

“An important message carried by the spirit of the butterfly is about the ability to go through important changes with grace and lightness.”

I thought about...

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