Align to Truth, Not Tragedy

Like many communities in the Unites States, my beloved Virginia has been rocked once again by multiple mass shootings this month.

Senseless. Devastating. Incomprehensible.

The reaction to such horrific events: public shock, the anguished cries of loved ones, stone faced politicians sending prayers to the affected families.


Our opportunity is to align to the Truth, not the tragedy. Let me explain.

While Americans love to say we’re guided by our ideals of freedom, I disagree. We’re thoroughly and consistently motivated by fear.

Fear of the “other” (those of opposing political views, country of origin, race, religious beliefs, gender identification, and thousands of other delineating factors).

Fear of lack or “not enough” (seen through our monstrous consumer appetite and tendency for hoarding as well as deep issues around self-love).

And the fear of aging, loneliness, fear of not making the “correct” choices around food,...

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How to Live Your Legacy

I hear some of my friends and clients talk about “leaving a legacy.” Some make generous donations to beloved charities, help build schools in Africa, or create a financial trust for family members.

Many of my author friends are proud of the books they’ve written while others have spent countless hours producing video content in the hope it helps others shift their lives in positive ways. They love to talk about the legacy of their work.

Then there’s Ms. Carol.

I attended the funeral of Ms. Carol over the weekend. At 86, her already small frame had shrunk in the last few years as her ready smile and sparkling eyes also began to fade. Although her death wasn’t a shock to her loved ones, we all felt the sting. 

As I walked into the brightly lit sanctuary of the funeral home, I saw Carol’s legacy.

It was evident on the stoic faces of her sons who stood tall, hugging friends and relatives as they arrived. And on the tear-stained faces of the adult...

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Life in Reflection...



                  “What you experience in your external world is a reflection of your internal world.”

I can’t remember when I came across the teaching above or who I first heard it from, but I do remember that I immediately resonated with the message.

As the years have progressed and I’ve studied the mystics, neuroscience, and many of the great thinkers of our time my understanding has only deepened. I believe that what I “see” in my external world is indeed a reflection of my conscious and unconscious beliefs. Oh, I believe it, but I still forget. Here’s a recent example.

I’ve been supporting a friend who is struggling with a specific challenge. She is the most organized person I’ve ever met and is prepared for anything.

Worldwide shut down due to a pandemic? Prepared. Emergency home repairs? She’s got that covered. Extra...

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How I Learned to Vote for God

Recently I was at my daughter’s house discussing an upcoming statewide election with her and her husband. My four-year-old grandson was playing on the floor nearby.

Well aware the little guy is always listening; I chose my words carefully as I expressed my disappointment over the campaign rhetoric. I naively thought name calling, fear tactics and inuendo were over after our last presidential election.

I was wrong.

As the adults shared our frustration and disgust, we suddenly heard Emory’s voice.

His head popped up from playing as he said, “I know what to do.”

“What’s that, honey?” I asked.

“Vote for God,” he calmly answered. He put his head down and quickly became absorbed with his toys.

My daughter and I looked at each other in amazement. My son-in-law tried not to laugh.

As I cast my ballot a few days later in early voting, I didn’t see God’s name on the ballot. But I did realize this was yet another opportunity to...

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