My Easter Miracle Journey

Easter has always held a special meaning for me.

My mother went into labor on Good Friday, and I was born in the early hours of Easter morning 1957, ten days after my parents had been told I had died in the womb.

My family said it was an Easter miracle.

As a student of A Course in Miracles, I’m into miracles. From the standpoint of the Course, a miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love. And the best part of miracles?

They can happen every day.

Whenever I feel myself acknowledge my fearful thoughts or feelings (anger, resentment, stress) and meet those with love (compassion, forgiveness, presence) I experience a miracle.

When I open myself to this type of thinking, and ask the Divine within for guidance, my experience of life changes. While I may be dealing with chaos, instead of feeling helpless, I can begin to feel the true comfort, support and love that is always available.

Remembering that miracles can be simply a thought away is a daily practice for me. Learning...

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Love Always Leads to Love

“Love always leads to love” is a beautiful quote by Helen Schucman, the scribe of A Course in Miracles.

The truth of this statement rings true to my very core. Although my life often comes with the struggles that we all face, when I bring love to any situation or challenge, more love always results.

Always. No exceptions.

I experienced this firsthand a couple weeks ago as I said a final goodbye to a friend in the final stages of hospice care.

On the drive to the nursing home fifty miles from my home, I could feel the fear start to set in. And guilt. And a deep, profound sadness.

What if she’s in too much pain and doesn’t recognize me?

Why didn’t I come sooner?

How can this be happening?

I acknowledged my feelings, decided to take a few deep breaths, and gently shifted my focus. I shifted the purpose of my visit as well. I asked Love to guide me.

I parked the car and walked into the facility with a fresh perspective. Instead of bringing my fear and...

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The Key to a Happy Holiday

My coaching clients often ask me some version of the same question. How can I be happier? Happier in my marriage, happier with my body, happier with my life in general?

This time of year, many are thinking about upcoming celebrations and wonder “how can I have a happier holiday this year?”

The answer is forgiveness.

Lesson 121 in the spiritual text A Course in Miracles states “Forgiveness is the key to happiness.”

I agree.

True forgiveness unchains us from the past and allows our full expression of life in the present. What does that mean?

Access to more love, compassion, and happiness for ourselves and all in our world.
Let me be clear. This isn’t the forgiveness of your youth when your mom made you forgive your little sister so you could get your Barbie doll back. (Maybe that was just me?) This forgiveness, authentic forgiveness, is life changing stuff.

How do you start? The Be Love Principles have been my process to shift from the constricted feelings...

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How to Expand Love Today (and Every Day)

Each February we see a heightened focus on Valentines Day and romantic love. While I’m all for beautiful romantic relationships, I’d love to see the Love Month concentrate on ways to expand love within ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.

Might sound like a tall order, but not really. Very doable.

How could we “expand love” within ourselves? Here’s a few ideas:

  • Spend quiet time in nature. Take a silent walk and use all your senses to truly be in the experience.
  • Listen to music that touches your soul.
  • Cuddle with your pet or volunteer at the local animal shelter (everyone benefits)
  • Take a few minutes to shut your eyes, put your hand on your heart and imagine breathing in, and out of your heart space.
  • Write in your journal using a prompt such as: “I feel loved and loving when_____” then act on what you wrote.
  • Write a love letter to yourself. Mail it.
  • BONUS: OK, here’s the big one I learned from the incredible Louise...
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