How to Do a Life Reset

Ever felt like this? Like nothing is going right, you feel out of flow, full of fear and life doesn't make sense?

That's been me the last two months. 

I needed a life reset.

In retrospect, I had allowed myself to be consumed by world events and gone down a very dark hole of fear.

As a result, I wasn't consistent with my spiritual practice or meditations, made poor food choices and started to feel unwell physically. I still took care of my clients and my family responsibilities during this time, but I wasn’t myself. I was “off.”

And then I remembered something my mentor, Robert Holden, often says, “If you think something is missing in your life, it’s probably you.”

Oh, right!

I had temporarily put more emphasis on the external world noise and not as much on the quiet divine wisdom that resides in the silence of my own heart. That’s where my truth lies. Where my guidance, peace, and joy flows from. How could a spiritual teacher forget...

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Who Do You Choose to Believe?

We live in the information age. More books, more blogs, more TV programs, more news outlets than ever before and we often suffer from feeling like we don’t know who or what to believe.

I do. Here’s my tip: check your source.

No, this isn’t a blog about the validity of international government agencies, specific news channels or your favorite talking head. It’s bigger than that.

Check your source, or more to the point, check with your Source.

Many of my clients are quick to check with Source (God, Universe, Love or whatever term you prefer) when loved ones are ill, they’re up for a raise or having relationship issues. Great! You know I always direct you to check with your own inner divine guidance for challenges such as these.

I find folks often forget this “hotline” is always open. For everything.

Going to a restaurant or ordering in? Want to know what would be the best choice? Sure, you can ask your partner or best friend AND check in with...

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Grateful to Louise...

My heart is full today as I think of the blessings that have come into my life thanks to the life and work of Louise Hay, writer, teacher, and founder of Hay House.

My basic understanding of how my world worked was challenged by her groundbreaking book, “You Can Heal Your Life” which led to studying her work and discovering the power of affirmations. I spent hours in the car listening to my “Louise tapes” (remember cassettes?)  to hear her soothing voice tell me how to love myself. I knew I was supposed to love everyone else, but love myself?  I’d never heard of anything like that before.

Exploring her “mirror work,” use of affirmations, and understanding the power of my thoughts deepened my knowledge of myself and the world I’d created. My life was forever changed by her teachings and the authors I was introduced to through her Hay House publishing company.

In April 2012, my sister and I traveled to Atlanta for what would be...

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