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Love Notes from Diane

The "Other F Word" Jun 04, 2024


  • Sleeping peacefully through the night without waking up angry.
  • Enjoying the company of family and friends without feeling resentment or rejection.
  • Looking in the mirror and loving the person you see, at peace with yourself, your past and present to the delicious now.

These are...

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Everything Responds to Love...Even Hot Water Heaters! Oct 02, 2023

“Everything responds to love,” is the phrase that came to me this morning as I woke up at 3:30am and thinking about our broken water heater and the mess I needed to clean up today.

“Well of course it does! Everything responds to love,” I muttered to myself as I lay in bed....

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What are you FOR? Oct 30, 2022

We’re a week away from elections here in the United States and…I’m tired. Really. Tired.

I’m tired of hearing what people are against.

It’s hard to turn on TV, listen to the radio or check out YouTube without hearing advertising from candidates that basically say...

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"7 Signs You're on the Empowered Spiritual Path"

This guide providesĀ seven signs that you're definitely on an empowered spiritual path!

But what does that mean?

It means you're following a path of love that inspires, empowers and supports you to feel more "on purpose" in your life. AND you recognize this life is a delicate balance of being fully human and fully divine.

Choosing to embrace your spiritual identity is not necessarily a smooth process.

But it is worthwhile!

I NEED This!