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Love Notes from Diane

Martin Luther King, Jr's Words of Peace Jan 16, 2023

A few years ago, I stood at the base of the Martin Luther King, Jr. statue in Washington, DC and looked up at the towering figure you see above. 

A flood of emotions came over me as I tried to imagine the life he led, the sacrifices he made and his dedication to justice through peaceful...

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Choosing Love in Difficult Situations Sep 20, 2022

I wish it was easy for me to choose love in every life situation. It’s not. Sometimes I want to avoid a difficult conversation or pretend I don’t get scared when I hear disturbing news. Even with a consistent spiritual practice, I can still get triggered by a harsh comment, chaotic...

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Freedom Through Inner Peace Jul 02, 2022

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  

 Viktor E. Frankl

This week my country celebrates July 4th as Independence Day. The holiday marks the ratification of...

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"7 Signs You're on the Empowered Spiritual Path"

This guide providesĀ seven signs that you're definitely on an empowered spiritual path!

But what does that mean?

It means you're following a path of love that inspires, empowers and supports you to feel more "on purpose" in your life. AND you recognize this life is a delicate balance of being fully human and fully divine.

Choosing to embrace your spiritual identity is not necessarily a smooth process.

But it is worthwhile!

I NEED This!