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Love Notes from Diane

A Time of Grateful Goodbyes and Joyous Hellos Mar 06, 2024

Have you ever noticed the graceful dance in life between goodbyes and hellos?

For example, our family said goodbye last week to a woman who was my children’s grandmother and my cherished friend for over 40 years. As I’ve been thinking about her, I realized she modeled...

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"7 Signs You're on the Empowered Spiritual Path"

This guide providesĀ seven signs that you're definitely on an empowered spiritual path!

But what does that mean?

It means you're following a path of love that inspires, empowers and supports you to feel more "on purpose" in your life. AND you recognize this life is a delicate balance of being fully human and fully divine.

Choosing to embrace your spiritual identity is not necessarily a smooth process.

But it is worthwhile!

I NEED This!