My Easter Miracle Journey

Easter has always held a special meaning for me.

My mother went into labor on Good Friday, and I was born in the early hours of Easter morning 1957, ten days after my parents had been told I had died in the womb.

My family said it was an Easter miracle.

As a student of A Course in Miracles, I’m into miracles. From the standpoint of the Course, a miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love. And the best part of miracles?

They can happen every day.

Whenever I feel myself acknowledge my fearful thoughts or feelings (anger, resentment, stress) and meet those with love (compassion, forgiveness, presence) I experience a miracle.

When I open myself to this type of thinking, and ask the Divine within for guidance, my experience of life changes. While I may be dealing with chaos, instead of feeling helpless, I can begin to feel the true comfort, support and love that is always available.

Remembering that miracles can be simply a thought away is a daily practice for me. Learning...

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Hello Mr. Turkey, Gratitude and True Abundance


If you haven't yet, click on the button above and listen to the "Hello Mr. Turkey Song"'s an impromptu solo 12 second performance by my grandson. 

Excuse the proud grandmother moment, but that kid makes me laugh. And think. And remember the joy of learning a new song. I'm blessed to have this little guy help me see the wonder of the world again. 

I'm grateful for that. And I recognize this is one of a hundred ways I'm already abundant. Maybe it's one way I allow myself to recognize I'm blessed. 

Every time I turn on the news I'm reminded of the many ways our world is not working and doesn't feel abundant. Or at least I hear the opinions of people who believe that. They're passionate about their views...and often very loud.  

But so are we.  

We (I'm hoping you're with me on this) can be passionate about recognizing the world we know is possible. One of compassion, respect, inclusion, and collaboration. A world where we...

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