My Easter Miracle Journey

Easter has always held a special meaning for me.

My mother went into labor on Good Friday, and I was born in the early hours of Easter morning 1957, ten days after my parents had been told I had died in the womb.

My family said it was an Easter miracle.

As a student of A Course in Miracles, I’m into miracles. From the standpoint of the Course, a miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love. And the best part of miracles?

They can happen every day.

Whenever I feel myself acknowledge my fearful thoughts or feelings (anger, resentment, stress) and meet those with love (compassion, forgiveness, presence) I experience a miracle.

When I open myself to this type of thinking, and ask the Divine within for guidance, my experience of life changes. While I may be dealing with chaos, instead of feeling helpless, I can begin to feel the true comfort, support and love that is always available.

Remembering that miracles can be simply a thought away is a daily practice for me. Learning...

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Love Always Leads to Love

“Love always leads to love” is a beautiful quote by Helen Schucman, the scribe of A Course in Miracles.

The truth of this statement rings true to my very core. Although my life often comes with the struggles that we all face, when I bring love to any situation or challenge, more love always results.

Always. No exceptions.

I experienced this firsthand a couple weeks ago as I said a final goodbye to a friend in the final stages of hospice care.

On the drive to the nursing home fifty miles from my home, I could feel the fear start to set in. And guilt. And a deep, profound sadness.

What if she’s in too much pain and doesn’t recognize me?

Why didn’t I come sooner?

How can this be happening?

I acknowledged my feelings, decided to take a few deep breaths, and gently shifted my focus. I shifted the purpose of my visit as well. I asked Love to guide me.

I parked the car and walked into the facility with a fresh perspective. Instead of bringing my fear and...

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