Gain the Clarity, Peace and Confidence You've Been Searching for Using the Be Love Principles...
Case Study Shows Using the Be Love Principles Can Improve Life Experience
In a small case study conducted in the first quarter of 2020, participants agreed to consistently use the Be Love Principles as part of their daily spiritual practice at least five days a week for three months. Each completed a weekly survey to track their experience in several life areas. At the end of three months, as pandemic fears were increasing world wide, group findings included:
- feelings of self love increased by 14%
- ability to experience peace increased by 17%
- overall happiness levels increased by 14%
- life situation scores increased by 17%
- feeling more connected to the Divine increased by 29%
- clarity scores increased by 60%
Many participants expressed feeling more confident in themselves and their ability to navigate a changing world. They also said they felt more clear about who they were and their life purpose. Would a life of more clarity, peace, joy and freedom be worth investing in?
Of course it would.
The Be Love Principles is a proven tool that offers a template to more easily access the Divine intelligence within you that has all the answers you seek. Use them, and your world shifts in unimaginable ways.
That's what happens as you explore - and implement - the teachings in the "Living the Be Love Principles" in this powerful six week online course.
You'll get one module every seven days so you have time to explore the focus topic, complete the worksheets and enjoy the meditations in each module. You'll have everything you need to begin your inner shift...
Six Modules - 20 Videos
Each module features videos to introduce, explain and support your learning every week. See relationships change, creativity blossom and your confidence soar as you work through these modules to shift your perspective on every level.
Seven Meditations
Activate the power of the Be Love Principles when you consistently use these meditations. Individual sessions help you deal with stress, feel more relaxed and experience a deeper connection to the energy of divine Love.
Notes, Worksheets, Journal Pages, Graphics
Gain greater clarity and see your life change in dramatic ways when you use the dynamic tools included with each module.
I want to start "Living the Be Love Principles" now for only $197.
Praise from Clients...
"The Be Love Principles are invaluable and life changing!" S.F., Meditation and Yoga Teacher
"Learning to apply Diane's Be Love Principles has been truly personally and professionally life changing for me. Using them immediately led to increased inner peace, confidence and positive relationships. I would never have expected something as simple as applying the four principles to have had such a transformational impact on my daily walk. They have helped me connect more deeply, love unselfishly and to live more purposefully." A. M., Child Development Center Director
"Working with the Be Love Principles has opened up a broader spiritual path for me. It has strengthened a lost connection to the Divine. The positive energy it has brought into my life just keeps spiraling upward and outward encompassing more aspects of my life as I continue my practice of Love. Thank you for your guiding light, Diane." S.G., Equestrian Instructor and Trainer
"I have been changed by these Principles! These Principles are so powerful that I have found that if I just put my attention on one of the Principles, something immediately shifts in me, and I am reminded that I am not just a body, but that I am this grand, powerful, spiritual being. Seeing my situation, personality or others from that perspective is not only very healing but also very peaceful. This is what the Principles have done and do for me: they show me how to not only live in peace, but to also embody peace." M.F.J., Attorney, Former Federal Prosecutor
"Working with Diane on the Be Love Principles has been an amazing and enriching growth experience. She has guided me to explore and use unconditional love and forgiveness to make my life and our world a better place to live. The techniques and meditations she taught help to combat stress and anxiety in this chaotic time. Thank you so much for being part of my journey in this lifetime." A.D.S., Retired Medical Laboratory Professional
Clients Report Working with the Be Love Principles Has Led to:
- Greater clarity of life purpose
- Increased confidence
- Better relationships with family, friends and work colleagues
- Greater understanding of real self love, respect and appreciation
- Improved work, career and financial situations
- Feeling more relaxed, less stressed or triggered by daily stress
- Freedom from fear, guilt and resentment over issues in the past
- More consistent feelings of peace, love and joy
- Unconditional happiness
- Stronger and profound connection to Love (God, Universe, Spirit)
- Ability to feel more consistently connected to divine guidance
"I love the Be Love Principles! Our shared purpose in life is to be the love we are looking for. Each of us is here to love the world in our own unique way."
- Robert Holden, PhD author of "Loveability" and "Shift Happens!"
Meet your guide, Diane L Haworth
DianeĀ has spent nearlyĀ 20 years teaching clients how to bring consciousness to chaos so they can live a life of less panic and more peace. She understands panic.Ā For years she juggled work and family responsibilities as she navigated divorce, excessive weight, being a single working mother, a job layoff, dating as an adult and the deteriorating health and eventual death of her beloved parents.
Throughout it all,Ā she understood the only way to triumph in her life was to find a way to become more conscious of the divine source within.
Diane holds a BS in Mass Communications, an MBA, is a Reiki Master/Teacher, is a licensed practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming and holds several healing and coaching certifications.Ā
She lives with husband Joe and Rory the cat in the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and remains close to their four grown children and extended family.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If for any reason you're unhappy with the course, contact Diane within 30 days for a full refund.
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Disclaimer: Material in this course is intended for educational purposes only. No medical, mental health, legal or financial advice or direction is intended or implied. Seek appropriate professional guidance when needed.